Most of us have a lot to be thankful for everyday. Like most everyone else, I usually don't stop often enough to take stock of all my blessings and be thankful enough.
October is breast cancer month. It reminds me to be thankful for my health, thankful that I had wonderful doctors and nurses and was able to receive the best treatments to help me live a long, long time. I'm thankful for my local friends Bonnie & Evelyn who went through the same junk as I did - losing our hair, laughing at crooked wigs, getting through crappy chemo and radiation. I'm thankful for my online friends who also went through all of these crappy things but came out healthy too. They all helped me get through it.
We lost two of our online friends along the way, Karen & Frances, who both died much too soon. I'm so thankful I was able to know them.
30-something years ago today I gave birth! Moms never forget that day. I'm thankful for a wonderful daughter and so glad she now lives near us and not 600 miles away as she did for 10 years. I've quit holding a grudge for going 2 weeks past my due date and the 30 hours of labor!
Tonight we had a great birthday dinner at a Japanese restaurant and met a couple here from Illinois to work at the VIR racetrack this weekend. We found out the husband had once lived about 45 miles from our hometown in Kentucky and we all agreed the Moonlite BBQ restaurant in Owensboro has the best BBQ we've ever eaten! I'm thankful for "small world connections" no matter where you are.
It's been very sad this week at the nursing facility where I work. A wonderful nurse died suddenly leaving us all in shock. It seems impossible that she was working last week and this week is gone. Life is precious and you never know what tomorrow will bring, so be thankful!