Friday, May 29, 2009
I Said Enough!
I got a few odd looks at work this afternoon as I let up the blinds in my office and took pictures of the rain out the windows and doors of our building! Since I told you yesterday we had a lot of rain I had to document what we got today! Rain! Wind! Hail! LOTS of rain!

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Rain, Rain, Go Away
Normally I like rainy days. I even like thunderstorms. I have a great front porch to sit on while it rains and thunders in the distance. But.... enough is enough! We have had rain for it seems like forever! Come on sun - my tomato plants need you.
Robin tagged me for a Meme to list 6 unimportant things that make me happy. These are maybe not life-altering, big events, but I can't truthfully say they aren't important!
1. Sleeping in my own bed. After we've been away, I always appreciate it so much.
2. Hot water for my morning shower. If you've ever been without electricity or water, you know how nice this is!
3. Having my whole family in the house at the same time.
4. Time alone occasionally.
5. Flowers
6. Lovely yarn!
I'm not going to tag anyone, but invite all to play along!
Robin tagged me for a Meme to list 6 unimportant things that make me happy. These are maybe not life-altering, big events, but I can't truthfully say they aren't important!
1. Sleeping in my own bed. After we've been away, I always appreciate it so much.
2. Hot water for my morning shower. If you've ever been without electricity or water, you know how nice this is!
3. Having my whole family in the house at the same time.
4. Time alone occasionally.
5. Flowers
6. Lovely yarn!
I'm not going to tag anyone, but invite all to play along!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Memorial Day 2009
Friday we had to be in Fairfax, VA for an appointment at the Office of H*omeland Security. Because my daughter is in the process of adopting internationally, and because when her paperwork was up for renewal she was temporarily living with us, DH & I had to be fingerprinted and have background checks. Well, turns out I have no fingerprints! I had two sets made at the Raleigh office, and two sets at the local police station. They finally did a state police background check and we thought that took care of it. Then Amy got a letter that we had an appointment in Fairfax on Friday. Turns out I had to be sworn in and answer some questions. Usually any trip to a government office takes hours, but yesterday went pretty fast and smoothly (she got her renewal), so since we were so close we decided to head for Washington D.C. for a few hours.
It was a beautiful day, but since it was already 1:00 or so we couldn't see much, but decided to go to the Vietnam Memorial and monuments on that end.
Obviously I can't hold the camera straight - but a beautiful view of the Washington Monument anyway!
Inside the Lincoln Memorial.

None of us had been to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and it was very moving. They were preparing for Memorial Day events so there were flowers everywhere and apparently a biker-veteran week-end as there were many there and lots of others arriving as we left. Sorry I didn't get any of their pictures because some were quite interesting!

This is the memorial for women veterans and nurses - for my nurse friends!
It was a beautiful day, but since it was already 1:00 or so we couldn't see much, but decided to go to the Vietnam Memorial and monuments on that end.
Obviously I can't hold the camera straight - but a beautiful view of the Washington Monument anyway!
From outside. Washington has really beautiful buildings!
This is the memorial for women veterans and nurses - for my nurse friends!
When we left, everyone else that works in DC was also leaving and it took 2 hours to go 45 miles. Friday afternoon, the beginning of a holiday weekend - not the best time, but we enjoyed the day anyway.
On a different note......
This picture was taken last weekend when the family came down and we went to Festival In the Park. Our oldest granddaughter was always fearless. She loved everything and everybody, wanted to do everything, and still does. The 2 year old however is a little more timid. She wanted really badly to ride the train. She got on eagerly and was happy that another little girl rode with her, then the train started! As it went around the track away from us she was okay, but as soon as it got near us and she saw her mother she started to cry. Here she is with her hand in her mouth looking just a little scared. She made it the whole ride, but didn't want to ride anything else!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
It is a beautiful day here - hope it is for you. Picking this time of year for Mother's Day was very smart. With all the flowers blooming it can be a perfect day. So sorry for all of those affected today by bad weather though. I have friends in West Virginia and hope they are not in the flood area. 

I have been knitting a little. We went out of town last weekend and I got a little done in the car. We went through the mountains though and I don't do well knitting while we're meeting ourselves on the curvy roads. I'm working on the second sock - this really suffered from second sock syndrome. I finished the first one months ago!
On our way back home we made a stop at Gate City Yarns in Greensboro where I picked up this yarn (among other things) for a baby sweater. Thanks to Deb & Timmie for telling about this Plymouth Yarn sweater kit. The yarn is a little splitty like Timmie said, but not bad after you adjust to it.
The azaleas are full bloom now, but this is probably their last week. Wish they lasted longer. I have some Encore azaleas in another part of the yard and they do bloom more often, but so far are just not as vibrant. Maybe when they get a little larger they will be fuller and prettier.
These iris are a miniature variety. So pretty. A friend shared these with me from her mother's yard so they are extra special.
Years ago another friend gave me these yellow iris. I love flowers that have a history.
I had to have a bouquet for the table.
Have a wonderful day.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
A little background first...
DH & I came from here.........
Except for college and a tour in the Navy we had both lived there all our lives until 16 years ago. We still have family there and lots of memories so it is still a special place to us. For years these signs stretched across two of the main streets leading into town. "The Best Town on Earth" was the town's logo. Eventually the streets were widened and the signs came down. There is now a smaller replica in a small park downtown.
The following video was recently published to You Tube. Enjoy....

The following video was recently published to You Tube. Enjoy....
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Happy Derby Day
Having your mint julep? Wearing your hat? I would love to be, but today will have to settle for watching it on TV.
We're having a beautiful day here, but rain and storms are expected later today. I have so many things just beginning to bloom I hope the storms aren't strong enough to strip off the blooms.
My clematis is full this year and the blooms are just opening.
I have late azaleas and they are packed with blooms, also just opening. I think they will be gorgeous.
We're having a beautiful day here, but rain and storms are expected later today. I have so many things just beginning to bloom I hope the storms aren't strong enough to strip off the blooms.
My clematis is full this year and the blooms are just opening.
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