Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'm So Excited!

Grandchildren are coming! My son and DIL are coming in tomorrow from Norfolk with the two girls and I can't wait to see them. Since I saw them last N has started walking so I can't wait to see her toddling around. B just finished elementary school last Friday and in the fall will be going off to middle school so I've promised her a shopping trip to celebrate. The weather is supposed to be about perfect so I'm hoping we are able to go to the park or somewhere outside to play!

I took off work tomorrow & Friday, so I also get a 4-day weekend out of this which is a plus! I hope to have lots of good pictures!


Candyce said...

Take lots of photos and have a wonderful time!

Thinking of you...

Robin said...

Oh, a shopping trip sounds wonderful! She will LOVE that, I'm sure. Very special. Have a great time!!!!!!