Saturday, June 13, 2009

Happy WWKIP Day

Today is World Wide Knit in Public Day. We met son, DIL and granddaughters half-way today and picked up the 12 year old to spend the next few weeks with us. Her school was out Wednesday and she always comes and spends part of the summer with us. I know as she gets older this will probably end as she may not want to leave her friends and activities very long, but by then the little one will probably be coming. I hated so much to leave her today, but I have to work and granddaddy can handle the 12 year old alone, but not the two year old just yet.

We met at C*racker Barrell so while we waited for them to get there I did knit some while sitting out on the front porch. I took pictures to prove I participated in WWKIPD!

This is the first sleeve of my second baby sweater, knitted in Plymouth Yarn Cotton Kisses. The first sweater is finished except for buttons and blocking. I'm knitting these for my cousin's twin granddaughters born very early and very small, but doing well - keep them in your prayers.

Miss N loved the rockers too, especially the ones in her size!

While we ate she wanted the lemon from my tea. I think she thought it was an orange, but she found out differently! Oh Mama, this is sour!

We of course had to add to B's Web K*inz collection!

When we left, N cried to get in our van. It broke my heart to leave her! We will have a good time with B though the next couple of weeks - probably spoil her a little!

All the rain we've had has at least been good for the flowers and tomatoes!

1 comment:

Candyce said...

I hope you have a nice time with B. It is so nice she has you alone so she can have special time.