Fall is by far my favorite time of the year. I love the weather, the turning leaves, all of the festivals and food and the decorations. Yesterday I thought it was time to get out the fall decorations and add a little color. I can now leave all this out till after Thanksgiving, when it will be time for Christmas - can you believe it?
Next weekend I hope to get some mums for the outside. The weather has just been beautiful the last week - I love it!
I TIVO Ophrah - sometimes watch it later and sometimes just delete, but yesterday I decided to watch the kickoff for her 24th year which she held on Michigan avenue in Chicago. The Black Eyed Peas were guests and this video is amazing. Oprah apparently didn't know this was planned.
They advertised for people who like to dance, got 800 applicants, and taught them the dance, then situated them throughout the crowd to teach everyone else.
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