Husband is home from the hospital. He had a quadruple bypass Monday and came home Thursday afternoon. I was a little leery as it seemed so soon, but he is doing great. The nurses and doctors on the heart team were just amazing and we have absolutely no complaints. For 24 hours after surgery he had a nurse with him constantly and they were busy. I was so impressed because that room was totally full of equipment. They were constantly taking readings, recording them, adjusting drips and drains and all that medical stuff that I know nothing about. His only problem is getting up and down from chairs, etc. He has slept in the recliner the last couple of nights, afraid to try the bed, but he can go up and down stairs (slowly) and today he walked to the mailbox. We are very thankful that he had this warning and had time to repair his heart before something happened suddenly.
It was a beautiful day today. I cut his hair out on the deck this morning and then he rode along with me to the store so we did get out a little. That made us both feel better!
Our son, DIL and grandchildren were here a week and they and our daughter were very faithful and a big help. DIL cooked several meals so that I could be at the hospital and son and daughter stayed with me during the surgery and then visited with their dad whenever possible. We are very blessed with great children and grandchildren.
I took very few pictures - but had to get a few of my girls -
N at the hospital waiting room during surgery. DIL brought the girls up for a short time.
New pajamas.

B - caught by surprise.
1 comment:
I am so glad he is home and that you have such wonderful support from your family. That means a lot!
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