Saturday, February 26, 2011

I Can't Believe She is 14!

Bethany - that is!  She should still be 2! While their parents went to a church retreat Bethany & Nikki spent last weekend with us and we loved it.  We don't get to see them enough!  When mom & dad got back we had a little family birthday party. 

One day we did a little shopping and Nikki made a friend!

 Sophie & Nikki had a good time together.  Sophie loves Nikki and copies every move and sound she makes.  Nikki however has had a little bit of a hard time giving up being the baby, but did great this time.

Having grandchildren here, my knitting took a little vacation, but I have finished a couple of things lately.

I knitted a Navy watch cap for my son. 

And finished and blocked Saroyan.

I'm in between big projects right now.  I do have something OTN but am looking for another project.  Spending a lot of time on Ravelry!

Just had to add these pictures.  When I'm watching Sophie it can be a little difficult to cook, but I put her to work and she loved it.  After washing hands really well, she broke and beat eggs,cut up cheese with a plastic knife and patted out biscuits.  It took a little longer but was fun for both of us!

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