Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Break

This has been a very busy week. Family came in Easter Sunday and son and DIL stayed till Tuesday, then we kept the girls until yesterday. I had to work Tues & Wed, but took off the rest of the week to spend some time with them. We had such a good time. B is growing up so fast I want to enjoy her while she still enjoys being with us! N is such a character! Since we live 200 miles apart I don't want her growing up without knowing us and we really bonded this week. Of course keeping up with a 2 year old just about killed me - but I loved it! It rained the first part of the week and N begged everyday to go "outside", so Thurs and Friday we stayed out as much as possible. You can see from the pictures she loved it.

Blowing bubbles!

B loves my cats. Just in the last few years have they let her touch them, and everytime she sees one she runs and picks him up. N loves them too, but terrorizes them still, so today they are recovering from their nervous breakdown! I actually think they like the girls more than they let on. After B goes to sleep sometimes I will find one of them lying on her bed and yesterday morning N was sitting in my lap and one of them actually jumped up on the arm of the couch and bumped heads with her. The ultimate compliment! She was so thrilled!

Grandaddy pulling her up and down, and up and down, and up and down the driveway! She would have let him go on for hours.

N loves airplanes and here she is showing me how an airplane goes (in the neighbors' yard - she has to go visit).

Taking her babies for a ride.

I bought this Japanese Maple for $7.00 at the grocery store one year thinking what a bargain I got. It has turned out to be more of a bush than a tree, but I still think it is so pretty in the Spring.

Whew - time for a break!

Somehow this week I actually finished my sweater and blocked it, but no picture yet. I will try to get to that soon.

1 comment:

Robin said...

WHEW! Sounds like you'll be ready for a relaxing knit night tomorrow. See you there and bring your sweater!